theoretical direction
Very low scores obtained by the candidates (cool math games) in Ancient theoretical direction in Physics and Mathematics and positive technological direction, which will lead to a fall in base schools, particularly senior in all scientific fields.
In particular, according to data released by the Ministry of Education in Ancient theoretical direction, almost half candidates wrote down the number (percentage 49.66%), while only 0.95% of students in theoretical wrote 18 -20. Very low scores obtained by the students and the direction Literature, with 54.17% of them do not pass the base.
Moreover, the direction Mathematics, few were candidates who came from the positive direction and excelling (4.53%), with most collect score in the range of 5-10 (26.32%). (cool math games run)
The technological direction candidates (technology and production cycle) struggled more, with 48.35% of them do not pass the base. The corresponding figure for prospective technological cycle of information and services, which is the most populated, reached 69.97%. It is significant that the percentage of 18 to 20 students who took a course on technological direction only reached 1.3% in the IT and service cycle.
Regarding the course of direction of Physics, and there students technological direction it difficult to get far above the base, with 54.52% in the technology and production cycle and 79.17% in the IT services and cycle to remain below 10